Tilda's search for a reliable, user-friendly shipment tracking solution

About Tilda

Tilda, a certified B Corp and industry leader, is renowned for its high-quality Basmati rice products. With a diverse range of rice varieties and ready-to-eat dishes to the UK market, Tilda aims to be the leader in sustainable rice production.


Tilda faced significant challenges in managing and tracking shipments from their over 2,700 suppliers and farmers, leading to inefficiencies and delays in their supply chain. 

Specifically, Tilda struggled with verifying whether containers were actually shipped and estimating delivery times. They needed a solution that could provide accurate and timely data on their shipments, and Beacon emerged as the ideal tool to meet these needs. “There was no trust in the information we were receiving from our suppliers. But when the container is on the Beacon system, we can be sure it actually shipped,” stated Christian Dauer, Supply Chain Manager at Tilda.

Solution Exploration

In search of an efficient solution, Tilda explored various options including traditional manual tracking methods, enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems with integrated logistics modules, and specialized supply chain visibility platforms including Beacon. Each option had its own set of advantages and limitations. 

Tilda needed a solution that combined comprehensive freight tracking, ease of use, and affordability. After evaluating several solutions, Tilda chose Beacon for its comprehensive tracking capabilities and user-friendly interface. The ability to access real-time data on container status and delivery times provided the level of visibility Tilda was looking for.

Onboarding Experience

Implementing new software solutions can often be challenging, with issues such as technical glitches, resistance to change from employees, and integration difficulties with existing systems. 

However, Tilda's experience with Beacon has been notably positive. Tilda praised the onboarding process, noting the smooth transition and quick adaptation to the new system was supported by the intuitive user experience. 

Impact & Benefits 

Beacon’s software is having a profound impact on Tilda's operations, reducing the need for constant communication between teams since all necessary information is readily available and easily shareable. This is leading to fewer emails and messages and more streamlined internal communication. 

“The information is just in the software, requiring fewer emails and messages between teams. While exact savings are hard to quantify, Beacon's proactive approach to shipment management helped Tilda avoid demurrage and detention charges, allowing for efficient planning without spending excessive time on scenarios such as whether a shipment would arrive in 4 days instead of 2 weeks”, according to Dauer.

The user-friendliness of the Beacon platform significantly enhanced Tilda's operational efficiency. The operations team finds it easy to view tagged containers, track recent arrivals, and anticipate future shipments.

Tilda also recognizes the potential of Beacon’s carbon reporting. Beacon’s emission measurement metrics, which compare favorably with specialized industry metrics, can reduce the need for specialized emissions consultants, potentially saving significant costs for larger corporations.

The Bottom Line 

Pleased with Beacon’s offerings, Tilda strongly recommends the platform to other businesses for its affordability and effectiveness. Tilda views Beacon as an inexpensive starting point that can convince even those most resistent to change of its usefulness. They highlight that companies can invest a small amount to understand Beacon’s functionality and visualize the entire supply chain on one screen, then scale up for full implementation across all relevant functional areas.

Tilda's experience shows the importance of accurate and reliable supply chain visibility. By implementing Beacon, they improved operational efficiency, planning, and communication. The proactive support and user-friendly features of Beacon have given them better control over their supply chain. Beacon's comprehensive freight tracking and visualization tools offer a robust solution for businesses seeking to improve their supply chain management. Tilda's success story underscores the significant benefits of adopting such a system.

Ready to Leave Your Tracking Spreadsheets Behind?

Sign up for a free trial or book a meeting with one of our visibility experts to get started with Beacon today.

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