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Supply Chain Glossary

PAPS number

What is a PAPS number?

A Pre-Arrival Processing System (PAPS) number is a tracking number used in the United States for shipments that require pre-arrival customs processing. PAPS is a border-crossing process designed to expedite the clearance of goods entering the U.S. by allowing customs to review shipment information before it reaches the border. The PAPS number is a unique identifier that links the shipment to its corresponding entry documentation, ensuring a smoother and faster customs clearance process.

Who needs a PAPS number?

A PAPS number is required for carriers and shippers who transport goods into the United States from Canada or Mexico via truck. This system is primarily used for commercial shipments that need to undergo customs clearance at land border crossings. Both the carrier and the shipper must ensure that the PAPS number is correctly assigned and included in the shipment documentation. U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) uses this number to pre-screen and process the shipment, minimizing delays at the border.

How to obtain a PAPS number?

To obtain a PAPS number, the carrier or shipper must first generate a unique barcode that includes the shipment’s details and the PAPS number. This can be done using various online services or software designed for freight and logistics management. The barcode and PAPS number must then be affixed to the shipment documentation, such as the bill of lading or invoice. Additionally, the carrier must submit an electronic manifest to CBP, including the PAPS number, before the shipment arrives at the border. This submission allows customs officials to review the shipment information in advance, facilitating a faster and more efficient clearance process.

PAPS number vs. PARS number

While both PAPS and PARS numbers facilitate the pre-arrival processing of shipments, they serve different countries. A PAPS number is used for shipments entering the United States, whereas a PARS number (Pre-Arrival Review System) is used for shipments entering Canada. Both systems aim to streamline border crossings by allowing customs authorities to review and process shipment information before the goods arrive at the border.

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