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Supply Chain Glossary


What is deadheading in trucking?

Deadheading is a term used in the transportation industry to describe the practice of operating a commercial vehicle, such as a truck or a trailer, without any cargo or paying passengers. Essentially, it refers to the movement of a vehicle while it is empty, either on its way to pick up a load or after delivering a load to its destination. Deadheading occurs when a vehicle returns to its point of origin or travels to another location without carrying any freight or passengers.

How common is deadheading?

Deadheading is a common occurrence in the trucking industry, particularly among carriers that operate irregular routes or experience uneven demand for their services. Factors such as imbalanced freight flows, limited backhaul opportunities, and scheduling constraints contribute to deadheading. While efforts are made to minimize deadhead miles through route optimization, load matching, and backhauling strategies, it remains a persistent challenge for trucking companies seeking to maximize efficiency and profitability in their operations.