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Supply Chain Glossary

Container rollover

Container rollover meaning

A container rollover occurs when a shipping container is not loaded onto its scheduled vessel and is instead 'rolled over' to a subsequent vessel. This delay means the container misses its intended departure and must wait for the next available sailing, which can significantly impact lead times and delivery schedules.

Why does container rollover occur?

Container rollovers can happen for several reasons, including:

  1. Port Congestion: When a port is overcrowded, vessels may be unable to load all scheduled containers, leading to some being left behind.
  2. Overbooking: Similar to airline overbooking, shipping lines may accept more bookings than the vessel’s capacity, anticipating some cancellations. When more containers than expected are presented for loading, some may be rolled over.
  3. Operational Delays: Delays caused by mechanical issues, labor strikes, or adverse weather conditions can result in vessels departing before all containers are loaded.
  4. Documentation Issues: Incomplete or incorrect shipping documentation can prevent a container from being cleared in time for loading onto its scheduled vessel.
  5. Transshipment Problems: For containers that need to be transferred from one vessel to another during their journey, delays or mismanagement at the transshipment port can cause rollovers.

Understanding and anticipating container rollovers is crucial for supply chain and logistics professionals. Proactive measures, such as tracking container status, maintaining good communication with carriers, and ensuring proper documentation, can help mitigate the risks and impacts of container rollovers.

What can I do when a container rollover occurs?

When a container rollover occurs, promptly contact your carrier for rescheduling details, update affected stakeholders, and adjust your logistics plans to minimize delays and disruptions in your supply chain.