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Supply Chain Glossary

Transit time

What is transit time?

Container shipping transit time refers to the duration it takes for goods or shipments to travel from their origin to their destination. It is a crucial metric in supply chain and logistics management, as it directly impacts delivery schedules, inventory levels, and customer satisfaction. Transit time encompasses the entire journey of a shipment, including transportation, handling, and processing at various checkpoints along the route.

How to calculate transit times

Calculating cargo ship transit times involves the consideration of several factors, including:

  • Distance: Measure the distance between the origin and destination points using geographic coordinates or mapping tools.
  • Mode of transportation: Consider the transportation mode or modes being used, such as road, rail, air, or sea, and determine the typical speed or transit rates for each mode.
  • Transit points: Account for any intermediate stops, transshipments, or transfers that may occur during the journey and the idle team associated with such stops.
  • Customs clearance: Factor in the time required for customs inspections, documentation, and clearance procedures at international borders or ports.

By examining these factors, supply chain professionals can estimate transit times, enabling them to plan and manage logistics operations effectively to meet customer requirements and delivery deadlines. Supply chain visibility solutions can help operators understand how actual transit times compare to estimates so that supply chain planning and performance can be improved over time. 

Lead time vs. transit time

Lead time refers to the total time required from the initiation of an order to its completion, including all preparation, production, and logistics processes. It encompasses all activities before the actual transportation begins. Transit time, on the other hand, specifically refers to the duration of the actual transportation of goods from the point of origin to the destination. While lead time includes transit time as a component, it also accounts for other factors like order processing and handling. Thus, lead time is the broader timeframe, whereas transit time focuses solely on the shipping period.

Is transit time the same as transportation lead time?

Yes, transit time is sometimes referred to as transportation lead time. However, transit time is the more commonly used term.

What is the average transpacific shipping transit time?

The average transpacific shipping transit time can vary depending on several factors, including the specific route, the ports of origin and destination, the shipping line, weather conditions, and any potential delays in customs clearance or port congestion. However, as a general estimate:

  • For shipments between East Asia (e.g. China, Japan, South Korea) and the West Coast of the United States (e.g. Los Angeles, Long Beach, Seattle), the transit time typically ranges from about 15 to 25 days.
  • For shipments between East Asia and the East Coast of the United States (e.g. New York, Savannah, Norfolk), the transit time is usually longer, ranging from  30 to 40 days or more, depending on the specific route and whether the shipment involves transshipment through a hub port.

What is the Suez Canal transit time?

The transit time through the Suez Canal can vary depending on several factors, including vessel size, speed, traffic congestion, and waiting times for passage. On average, the transit time through the Suez Canal for a typical container ship or bulk carrier can range from approximately 12 to 16 hours.

What is the Panama Canal transit time?

On average, the transit time through the Panama Canal typically ranges from about 8 to 10 hours for a standard-sized vessel.

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