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Supply Chain Glossary

Supply chain risk management

What is supply chain risk management?

Supply chain risk management refers to the process of identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks within a supply chain to ensure continuity and minimize disruptions. It involves analyzing all elements of the supply chain—from sourcing raw materials to delivering finished products—to anticipate and address potential vulnerabilities that could impact operations, finances, or reputation.

How to reduce risk in supply chain management

To reduce risk in supply chain management, businesses employ various strategies such as diversifying suppliers, building redundancy into logistics networks, and establishing clear communication channels. Utilizing technologies like predictive analytics and supply chain visibility tools can enhance responsiveness and enable quicker risk mitigation and exception management.

How can financial risks in a supply chain be managed?

Financial risks in supply chains can be managed through practices like optimizing inventory levels to avoid overstocking or stockouts, negotiating favorable payment terms with suppliers, and implementing hedging strategies to mitigate currency fluctuations or commodity price risks.

What is risk pooling in supply chain management?

Risk pooling involves consolidating resources or risks across different parts of the supply chain to reduce overall risk exposure. This can include centralized inventory management, shared transportation networks, or collaborative forecasting to smooth demand fluctuations and improve resource utilization.

What is cyber supply chain risk management?

A cyber attack on a supply chain can disrupt critical operations, leading to delays in production, shipment, or delivery of goods. Additionally, it can compromise sensitive data such as customer information or intellectual property, resulting in financial losses and damage to reputation for the affected businesses. Cyber supply chain risk management addresses threats to data and information flows within a supply chain. It involves securing digital assets, vetting technology partners for cybersecurity standards, and implementing protocols to detect and respond to cyber incidents promptly.

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