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Supply Chain Glossary


What is slotting in warehouse management?

Slotting in warehouse management refers to the strategic placement of products within a warehouse to optimize the efficiency of picking, packing, and shipping processes. This involves organizing products based on factors such as their size, weight, demand frequency, and compatibility with other items. Effective slotting improves workflow, reduces labor costs, enhances order accuracy, and maximizes the use of available space.

Common warehouse slotting strategies

Effective slotting strategies can significantly enhance warehouse productivity. Common strategies include:

  • Velocity-Based Slotting: Placing high-demand items in easily accessible locations to reduce picking time.
  • ABC Analysis: Categorizing inventory into A (high-value, high-demand), B (moderate-value, moderate-demand), and C (low-value, low-demand) items to prioritize slotting efforts.
  • Family Grouping: Grouping similar or complementary items together to streamline the picking process.
  • Seasonal Slotting: Adjusting product locations based on seasonal demand fluctuations to optimize efficiency throughout the year.

Common warehouse slotting rules

Several rules are widely adopted to ensure effective slotting and the safe storage and handling of products in warehouses:

  • Golden Zone Rule: Place the fastest-moving items within arm's reach (waist to shoulder height) to minimize bending and stretching.
  • Compatibility Rule: Avoid placing incompatible items together to prevent damage and ensure safety (e.g., chemicals away from food products).
  • FIFO (First In, First Out): Slot items to ensure older stock is picked first to prevent obsolescence.
  • Accessibility Rule: Ensure heavy or bulky items are stored in accessible locations to reduce the risk of injury and improve handling efficiency.

What does warehouse slotting software do?

Warehouse slotting software (often a feature of a more expansive WMS system) plays a crucial role in optimizing product placement. It helps warehouse managers analyze inventory data, predict demand patterns, and recommend the most efficient locations for items within the warehouse. Key functionalities of slotting software include:

  • Demand Forecasting: Predicts future demand for products to inform slotting decisions.
  • Space Utilization: Analyzes the warehouse layout to maximize storage efficiency.
  • Pick Path Optimization: Recommends product placements that minimize the distance pickers need to travel.
  • Inventory Categorization: Classifies products based on various factors such as demand frequency, size, and compatibility.

Examples of popular warehouse slotting software include FORTNA, Mecalux, Deposco, and ShipHero. These tools assist in creating a more organized and efficient warehouse environment.