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Supply Chain Glossary

Material Requirements Planning (MRP)

What is Material Requirements Planning (MRP)?

Material Requirements Planning (MRP) is a systematic approach to managing the manufacturing and procurement of materials necessary for production. It involves calculating the quantities of raw materials, components, and assemblies needed to fulfill production orders or meet demand forecasts within a specified timeframe.

Objectives of Material Requirements Planning

The primary objectives of MRP are to ensure that production processes are efficient and that materials are available when needed, without excessive inventory holding costs. By accurately forecasting demand and scheduling production activities, MRP helps optimize inventory levels, reduce shortages, and minimize wastage.

How is Safety Stock Included in Material Requirements Planning?

Safety stock is a buffer inventory maintained to mitigate the risks of stockouts due to variability in demand or supply lead times. In MRP, safety stock levels are taken into account by adjusting the calculated requirements for each material. Factors such as demand variability, supplier reliability, and lead time fluctuations are considered when determining the appropriate safety stock levels to include in the MRP calculations.

MRP systems use algorithms to generate schedules and procurement plans based on inputs such as bill of materials (BOM), production forecasts, and inventory levels. These systems help ensure that materials are ordered in the right quantities, at the right time, and from the right suppliers to support uninterrupted production and meet customer demand.

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