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Supply Chain Glossary
September 6, 2024

Where Are the Largest Ports in Europe?

Europe's container ports play a crucial role in facilitating international trade and supporting the region's economies. These ports serve as major gateways for goods entering and leaving the continent, connecting European markets with the rest of the world.

While Rotterdam is the only European port that ranks amongst the top 10 global container ports, the continent is home to seven of the top 50 and 16 of the top 100. Collectively, the 16 European ports ranking in the top 100 had a TEU throughput of over 81M in 2023.

Busiest European Ports by Annual TEU Throughput

Based on the Lloyd's List 2023 One Hundred Ports Analysis, the following are the busiest European container ports by annual TEU (Twenty-Foot Equivalent Unit) throughput.

1. Rotterdam, Netherlands

The Port of Rotterdam in the Netherlands remains the largest and busiest container port in Europe, handling 14,455,000 TEU in 2023. As a key hub for European trade, Rotterdam benefits from its strategic location at the mouth of the Rhine River and its excellent connections to the inland transport network, making it a vital gateway for goods entering and exiting Europe.

2. Antwerp, Belgium

The Port of Antwerp in Belgium follows closely behind, with an annual throughput of 13,500,000 TEU. Antwerp's port is renowned for its extensive infrastructure, deep-water berths, and efficient logistics services, allowing it to accommodate some of the largest container ships in the world. It plays a pivotal role in connecting European markets to global trade routes.

3. Hamburg, Germany

Germany's Port of Hamburg ranks third in Europe, with a throughput of 8,261,977 TEU in 2023. Known as the "Gateway to the World," Hamburg is Germany's largest seaport, serving as a critical entry point for trade with Asia, especially China. Its well-developed rail and road links make it an essential hub for the European supply chain.

4. Valencia, Spain

The Port of Valencia in Spain handled 5,052,272 TEU, placing it fourth among Europe's busiest ports. As the Mediterranean's leading container port, Valencia is strategically positioned for trade between Europe, North Africa, and Latin America. Its modern facilities and ongoing expansion projects continue to enhance its capacity and efficiency.

5. Piraeus, Greece 

The Port of Piraeus in Greece ranks fifth, with a throughput of 5,000,948 TEU. Piraeus has rapidly expanded in recent years following investment from COSCO, becoming a critical gateway for trade between Europe and Asia. Its strategic location near the Suez Canal and the Eastern Mediterranean makes it an important transshipment hub.

6. Algeciras, Spain

The Port of Algeciras in Spain, with an annual volume of 4,767,282 TEU, is the sixth-busiest in Europe. Located near the Strait of Gibraltar, Algeciras serves as a major transshipment point for goods moving between Europe, Africa, and the Americas.

7. Bremen/Bremerhaven, Germany  

The twin ports of Bremen and Bremerhaven in Germany collectively handled 4,572,866 TEU in 2023, ranking seventh in Europe. They are vital for German exports, particularly automobiles and industrial goods, and serve as key points for trade with North America and Asia.

8. Barcelona, Spain

The Port of Barcelona in Spain processed 3,522,944 TEU, making it the eighth-busiest port in Europe. Barcelona's port is well-connected to both European and North African markets, and recent investments in port infrastructure and capacity expansion aim to boost its role as a key logistics hub in the western Mediterranean.

9. Gioia Tauro, Italy

The Port of Gioia Tauro in Italy ranks ninth, with an annual throughput of 3,380,052 TEU. It is the largest transshipment port in Italy and a crucial hub for Mediterranean trade, with its central location offering direct connections to major routes crossing the Suez Canal.

10. Felixstowe, UK

The Port of Felixstowe in the United Kingdom, handling 3,300,000 TEU, is the tenth-busiest in Europe. As the UK's largest container port, Felixstowe serves as a key gateway for goods entering and leaving the British Isles, particularly for trade with Asia.

The Fastest Growing Container Ports in Europe

Among the busiest ports, several are also experiencing rapid growth due to strategic investments and expansion projects. The Port of Piraeus, for example, has seen substantial growth, driven by its favorable location for transshipment traffic between Asia and Europe, and significant investment by China’s COSCO Shipping that has positioned Piraeus as a key node in the Belt and Road Initiative.

Similarly, the Port of Valencia has continued to expand its capacity and improve its infrastructure, cementing its position as the leading port in the Mediterranean. With a €1.5B investment in an expanded terminal, automation and sustainability, Valencia aims to handle larger volumes and further enhance its role in connecting Europe with global markets.